Sunday, October 12, 2008

Playing this week

I was gone for a good long while, my friends are all unavailable or have disappeared. Maybe they changed names but doesn't let me keep up with people like that.

Coming back reminded me of the stark differences in personalities that you can experience on

What I love about the most, some kids have so much heart. I host an old game or two that I loved to play once and I get people joining and giving me hugs and happy signs to see that 'good ole favorite' being hosted again.

What I hate about the most, some kids are so hateful. They spam hate language and racial slurs and make private threats in game chat without caring who they could be hurting.

SilverSong signing off.


AutoRefresh Rocks!

I was manually refreshing all these years, just what was I thinking? The Autorefresher program for warcraft 3 is safe and effective. Been happily using it for a full year now, and I can vouch for it's safety on your computer.


Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Been playing for a full year now!

So I've been a host now for close to over a year.

I stopped playing for a time because only a few maps were in development at all, and they were getting a bit tiresome to play.

Now there are a lot of new maps available for playing with!

My new favorites

[BK's] Gem TD 3.0 (the 3.1 version is a hack w/cheats) A sparkly game similiar to Bejeweled, uses Gems in the Tower Defense format.
HoSK (Heroes of Sorrow Knight) 0.93 A game similiar to DotA but has a beautifully done custom hero system.
Underdrawing's TD 5.0 A creepy tower defense map, has some interesting features that were seen in BK's Gem TD. But advanced coding brings this map to the pinacle of fine Tower Defenses. Frustrating for beginners.
Uther's Party Ultima-V Starting Cinematic: "Is that a sword? Luxury! Is that a horse? Sloth! Is that a helmet? Vanity! It's Hammer Time!" Feature fun game with lots of little mini-games that players compete in, various modes like berserk and drunkenness which effect how the game is set up. My only complaint is that it doesn't have more games to play per hosting session!

My Old favorites
Force Majeure Vampire Hunters 2.79 †FMVH† an oldie from WC3 but still a goodie in my opinion, although some features changed between versions, oddly enough a lot of the old programming that was originally done but didn't work in WC3 now works in the current version of Frozen Throne. Very well put together map.
Werewolf - Translyvannia 1.10 Another oldie that's still capable of hanging around as a goodie. Older than Dark Deeds 6 but the new version just came out this month!

Nightmare Difficulty
These are games that border on 'impossible to win', they challenge your skills, mindset and strategy. Playing a new game in a foreign language usually places it in this category even if the game itself is not all that hard to natives of the tongue.

Zillievgrad 6.0 this game is either in German or French or both. No English version available.
MacBeth 1.5 English game based on Shakespears MacBeth, you need to take MacBeth's castle, or Defend it. A nightmare to play, requires intense concentration and strategy.
Tank Wars 6.0 this game is strictly in German, it takes several play-attempts to get a grip of.

Worthy of Mention
CardShuffle One of the few real card game maps out there. You draw cards and summon monsters and spells to your defense.
Mage Warz A game that transforms your wizard into a new form to defeat the wizard you are facing.
DotA popular game with a lot of custom work, they hold league games, very finely balanced game with multiple developers. Part of the fun of DotA used to be that some things were somewhat imbalanced. Beware of any self-proclaimed DotA-Pros.

Signing out,
SilverSong@Azeroth, Lorderon & Northrend.

Monday, November 06, 2006

The Price of Hangin' out on Battlenet

There are so many jackasses and assholes on battlenet I think it's a defensive mechanism against the others, oh anyways I've realized I've become as vicious and cold-hearted as any of them.

Does that make me a bad person? Do I just mimic those I'm around the most?

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Just a little add on

I've been trying out the more exotic games on by exotic I'm talking HoSK, LOL2, and DarkAge4.

A lot of people have been complaining, 'host you dumb, host, host this map, or host, host that map. Don't host this anymore it dumb.'

Why I should even listen to someone who calls me dumb, is beyond me. Usually I give them a swift kick out of my game server, and if they come back whining I kick them again and again until they give up. Usually they return just to cuss me out for kicking them in the first place anyways. People get so over-emo about getting kicked out of a game they think is 'dumb'

I found that a lot of people who stay even if a game is 'dumb' end up leaving in the first few minutes after game launch.

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Today's "Pros" Tommorow's Idiots

Today I played about 8 games of Dota 4.20b all of them went really well except for the last one in which my client called me about work and held me up on the phone for over 5 minutes while I gave him a vocal tutorial on how to use the software. In a game where every second counts, yeah that was 'disgusting'. As far as gaming goes, and I fell more and more behind 'the pack'. At the end of the game my team was putting me down, telling me I needed to practice more and that I should never ever play dota again because I suck so bad. Considering that I've successfully won the first 7 games with 7 kills to 0 deaths that is unlikely to happen. The fact that the team I ended up with can't lose gracefully without choosing a scapegoat and going hoghore goating on them is in itself disgusting, and twice as disgraceful as just losing a game.

Tuesday, December 06, 2005

I also want to do an RPG Map

Based on the Buffy and Angel TV series. I feel I need to learn a lot more about mapping before I even try it though. I need to be a Pro at Warcraft Editor to pull this off.

I almost want to make it like a DOPRP, but I don't like the complete versatality of DOPRP's. I feel the DM should have control of the situation, that the DM should be able to have multiple Transitions maps. I want to make it fun and easy for even a noob DM to control scenarios and quests. I want to have multiple maps & options available for different scenarios.

I feel that if the players want to be evil they can duke it out with the forces of good, and versa in the arena of Sunnyvale.

I feel like it would take an insane amount of planning ahead of time.

I want custom spells, Savable characters, a traits system.

I want multiple maps:
The High School
Shopping Mall (filled with hundreds of uber-cool themed goodies)
The Bronze
San Francisco
Wolfram and Hart

I want to steal some ideas from Dark Deeds 6 and make controllers available to the DM.

Multiple campaign modes on start-up for a DM.
Buffy: The Vampire Slayer Campaign
Angel Campaign

Then after that another mode menu listing the seasons for each
Each Season would contain items, models, and characters from the original tv season.
Loading Buffy Campaign Please select Season
Season 1
Season 2
Season 3
Season 4
Season 5
Season 6
Season 7
Season 8

Loading Angel Campaign Please select Season
Season 1
Season 2
Season 3
Season 4
Season 5
Season 6

Each Player gets to select the character they want to play They all have traits.
Slayer, White Hat, Vampire, Priest, Librarian, GI, Technowizard.

Wednesday, October 05, 2005

To run or not to Run Kitty?

It may be a complete waste of my time, but I'm working on revamping an old Run Kitty Run map for TFT. A lot of people seem to think the current changes 'Rox' and are 'so kool!' One of my worst challenges was deciding what to call the version, but I think that changing it from the original '2.56' to SilverSong's ForestRun Kitty Run v 0.256 solves the problem nicely.

Changes/Updates in Beta
Current version 2.55
Slipknot Wait & Bleed Song added
Music On setting (Red)
New and Renamed Items!
I.D. Tag (Item Ressurection)
Bell Collar
Kittens Mittens (aka. Boots of Speed) WORKS!
Ball of Blue Yarn (aka. Frost Orb Experience Gain) WORKS!
Catnip (aka. Super Speed Enhancer) WORKS!

Tiara of Nobility (aka. Circlet of Nobility Blink, Shadowmeld, Instant Ressurection)
-The Tiara of Nobility is going to be graphically edited one of these days for a more updated look by myself.
Black leather collar with silver spikes (aka. black bracer enables Lightening Attack on the hero)

Still Planned:

-Naming System, a way for players to select any name they want!
Updated Tiara of Nobility graphic
Updated Catnip graphic
Cheese (attracts mice)
Capsule tube (captures little snacks)
Capsule Tube with mouse in it (priceless, lol, k maybe not just a good power snack or trade)
Bottle of Milk (Heals Kitty's)
More than 1 hit point
Custom graphic loading screen
Custom graphic Targa for join game screen.
More Levels beyond the original 3.
Trait System
Newborn: Advantages small footprint, easy to get around. Disadvantages: Must sleep often, needs to buy milk, can't move very fast.

Deviladier Req: Pouncer, You take daring risks for greater rewards your never afraid to pounce into and out of a situation. Powers activate: Invulnerbility 5 seconds.

Kitten's Cuteness: Req: Kitten, You are so cute and cuddly, most dogs just ignore you, or even will move away from you. Powers Activate teleport to previous Zone: On Death. Your transponder is teleported back to the last safe zone you visited. Disadvantages: Slows you down.

Climber: Req: Adolescent, You know how to climb trees, walls, and otherwise. Allows you to climb (load) yourself into a tree for safety. You can take control of the tree 2 minutes after you load yourself into it, and can use it to safely wade through most dangerous terrains. Disadvantages: Trees are slow and are not invulnerable.

Kitty Ranking System
Newborn 1-5 25 hp SPD: 1
Kitten 6-11 45 hp SPD: 5
Adolescent 12-17 65 hp SPD: 10
Pouncer 18-23
Climber 18-23
Fighter 24-29 400 hp SPD: 30
Cat 30-35
Royal Cat 36-41
Queen's Cat 42-50
Puss in Boots 51

A pick the level you want to do system with the options:
ForestRun (Easy)
Tropical Beach (Normal)
Boggy Marsh (Hard)
Rainbow Forest (Expert)
Alley City (Pro)
Industrial (Uber-Pro)
Black Kat Alley (Impossible)