Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Today's "Pros" Tommorow's Idiots

Today I played about 8 games of Dota 4.20b all of them went really well except for the last one in which my client called me about work and held me up on the phone for over 5 minutes while I gave him a vocal tutorial on how to use the software. In a game where every second counts, yeah that was 'disgusting'. As far as gaming goes, and I fell more and more behind 'the pack'. At the end of the game my team was putting me down, telling me I needed to practice more and that I should never ever play dota again because I suck so bad. Considering that I've successfully won the first 7 games with 7 kills to 0 deaths that is unlikely to happen. The fact that the team I ended up with can't lose gracefully without choosing a scapegoat and going hoghore goating on them is in itself disgusting, and twice as disgraceful as just losing a game.


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