Sunday, October 12, 2008

Playing this week

I was gone for a good long while, my friends are all unavailable or have disappeared. Maybe they changed names but doesn't let me keep up with people like that.

Coming back reminded me of the stark differences in personalities that you can experience on

What I love about the most, some kids have so much heart. I host an old game or two that I loved to play once and I get people joining and giving me hugs and happy signs to see that 'good ole favorite' being hosted again.

What I hate about the most, some kids are so hateful. They spam hate language and racial slurs and make private threats in game chat without caring who they could be hurting.

SilverSong signing off.


AutoRefresh Rocks!

I was manually refreshing all these years, just what was I thinking? The Autorefresher program for warcraft 3 is safe and effective. Been happily using it for a full year now, and I can vouch for it's safety on your computer.
